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DNA testing. What is it, and how can you benefit from it?

Have you heard your friends and family enthuse about DNA but don’t know what it’s all about? Wondering if a DNA test is right for you? Come learn about DNA, why it’s valuable, which tests you can take, and how it might help you in your family history.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is DNA?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic code that defines each person’s biological characteristics. DNA is chains of four individual nucleotide links, the sequence of which encode our genetic information. These strings of DNA are coiled into packages called chromosomes. Chromosomes are found in the cell nucleus. Each nucleus contains 23 paired chromosomes. One of these pairs (the sex chromosomes) is composed of two X chromosomes for females or an X and a Y chromosome for males. The other 22 paired chromosomes are known as autosomes.

What types of DNA are tested for ancestry purposes?

DNA can provide information in different ways to help you identify your related family members and ancestors, depending on which part of the DNA molecule is used. Typically, four types of DNA are used to discover more about your ancestry:

Autosomal DNA includes all the chromosomes (excluding the sex chromosomes). Autosomal DNA can help identify ancestors within the last 5–7 generations. However, because you only inherit half of each of your parents’ DNA, some of your ancestors “fall off” your genetic tree (meaning you did not inherit any of their DNA). You are also guaranteed to only share DNA with 2nd cousins or closer.

The Y chromosome (one of the two paired sex chromosomes) is only carried by men and is passed from father to son. By comparing the Y chromosome of two males, you can determine whether they share a common patrilineal ancestor.

The X chromosome (one of the two paired sex chromosomes) is carried by both males and females (females as “XX,” males as “XY”) but can only be passed down from a mother to her son or daughter. By comparing the X chromosome of two individuals, you may identify a common ancestor if that segment comes from an ancestor in your direct X path.

MtDNA, or mitochondrial DNA, is found in a cell’s mitochondria. Mitochondria are passed from a woman to all her children, regardless of whether they are male or female. By comparing the mitochondrial DNA of two individuals, you can determine whether they share a common matrilineal ancestor.

What is a haplogroup, and how can it help me with my research?

Haplogroup designations may be included in your test results for YDNA (father line) and mtDNA (mother line). Haplogroups are groupings of DNA similarities that reflect ancient migration patterns before genealogical records were created. YDNA haplogroups match with modern usage of surnames and can be helpful in solving problems on your surname line. mtDNA haplogroups reflect more variety and are loosely tied to your maternal ethnic origins.

What is the difference between my family tree and my genetic tree?

Your family tree is what has been documented over time through family history records and often reflects relationships, some of which may not be biological. Your genetic tree consists of the relatives with whom you share DNA, which you mutually inherited from common ancestors within the last five to seven generations. Beyond five to seven generations, you may not share DNA with all your ancestors according to your family tree. Therefore, not all of your family tree ancestors will be revealed in your genetic tree from your DNA results.

Why don’t I share DNA with one of my known cousins or relatives?

DNA is inherited randomly, which means the DNA segments you inherited from your ancestors may be different than the DNA your relative inherited from the same ancestors. You are only guaranteed to share DNA with a second cousin or closer.

Do I still need paper historical records to document my ancestors if I have DNA data?

Yes, DNA can be used to solve family history problems. However, testing your DNA is just one step in a larger process. You will likely need a combination of DNA and traditional research to identify family history connections.

What should I consider before testing my DNA?

DNA test results may reveal unexpected information about your family history, such as adoptions, unexpected paternity, etc. The affected party may be yourself or a close DNA relative—perhaps someone you know nothing about. If this new information may be upsetting to you or to another family member, you may want to prepare family members in advance of possible results, or perhaps test at a later date. If you are not prepared to learn unexpected information, a DNA test may not be right for you at this time.

Multiple companies provide DNA testing, each offering different tests and resources to customers.

What should I do with unexpected DNA results?

If you receive unexpected results, such as the identity of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or other previously unknown relatives, be sensitive and considerate of others involved who may be affected by the results. Approach family members with care and support as you discuss these previously unknown events.

Multiple community groups provide support and guidance on dealing with unexpected information:

NPE Gateway
DNA Secrets
Watershed DNA
Donor Conception Network
NPE Fellowship
ISOGG Unexpected Results wiki page

Can I share my DNA results from one company with another?

Most DNA companies will allow you to download your raw DNA results to preserve and potentially share with other companies. You can upload this raw data to some DNA companies for additional cousin matching. You will need to get instructions on how to do this from the company you tested with.

Will my DNA data be shared with everyone?

When your DNA test results are posted on a company website, you should have the option to share your data with everyone, with selected individuals, or to keep it private. Caution: Be aware that any time your results are stored by an organization, even if you opt not to share data, there is no 100% guarantee that someone will not be able to identify or use your data in another way. For some people, this is not an issue. For others, it is an important concern.